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An Ode to Mother Nature

Have you ever walked through

a forest as it pours down rain?

Have you ever been protected

by the soft canopy of green?

Or have you ever seen

the leaves glimmer from

sunlight peaking through

willing clouds of rain?

Have you felt the cool air in your lungs,

the warm sunlight on your skin,

and the soft soil beneath your feet?

Have you heard the songs from the earth?

They are planted in your eyes,

and grown in your mind,

until you decide to listen

to the melody, the tune, of nature.

For there are creatures moving

where you don't look,

Petals that wave

as you hike on by,

Rivers that run onward and

Waterfalls that rush down.

With, or without you.

Whether or not there are human ears to hear it,


Whether or not there are human eyes to see it.

And, you, Mother Nature,

keep on moving,

and you, keep on inspiring,

taking our breaths.

and calming our hearts.

And, so, because I have felt

her presence

and experienced the joy that

she longs to share with humanity,

I have promised to return

to listen to her songs,

to admire her rhythm,

and to praise her true magnificence.

Auxier Ridge Trail, Courthouse Rock Trail - Red River Gorge

Daniel Boone National Forest - Kentucky

Rachel Mary, solo hike, July 2017


d'Verse Prompt: Odes, Poems of Praise.

"The challenge today is to write a poem of praise."

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