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Mixing Subjects

Set Theory

For thousands of years,

these two lone sets

danced through

the infinitely dark space.

The rare chance of ever crashing

into one another

was never crossed.

Their simple divinity was

complete on their own.

Their collision however,

happened without warning.

and with it their exquisite union.

The set difference

relatively complementing

their differences

creating a perfect intersection

of light, wonder, and sight.

***Credit: ESA/Hubble; Raghvendra Sahai and John Trauger (JPL), the WFPC2 science team, and NASA/ESA ***


***dVerse -- "Lookin' UP!" -- Poetry Prompt. We were given four photos from Hubble to choose from to use as our inspiration. All were so beautiful, but I couldn't help but see a little bit of set theory in this image above. So I played around with some set theory terms. Below are links back to dverse and the Wednesday night prompt. Thank you Lillian for hosting! ***

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