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Lost & Found - Used Poetry Book


WHERE: Used book store

WHAT: [Fairly NEW!] Poetry Book

DETAILS: Folded CORNERS throughout book - [similar to the way I fold down the corners of the pages of my favorite poems]

NOTE TO OWNER: I couldn't help myself, I bought the book from that old, dusty, book store that sits unnoticed in the heart of downtown; and I read the book. I read your book, and I noticed the personal note written in the front cover to you. I gather that this must have been a gift. I cherish how you have carefully and delicately marked these pages with your attention. Because for some reason, those specific words that have been sprinkled across the pages meant something more to you. I wonder how these specific poems spoke to your soul and I wonder if it's similar to the way it speaks to mine. It might be entirely different, and most likely, I will never know. But I do know this, I will wonder who you are, and I will hope that just because you have given up this particular book, that you have not given up on the beauty of expression and that you continue to find meaning and passion through the writings of others. In fact, I hope that I found this book simply because you felt the need to share. Because if thats the case- thank you, stranger.


dVerse: Open Link Night : #207

Thanks Grace for hosting!

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