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my writing style {WHY}

My writing,

is a chaotic rhythm.

I go,

                   from here 

      to there. 

I dip my pencil and mind

into my red-wine ink,

And let my thoughts run wild 

As I,

turn my pain into poetry,

And turn my sadness into stories,

And turn my burdened heart into something, beautiful. 

Something true, something


Something shared.  

And I 

am often,

surprised at what's revealed.

Because unlike everything else 

in my life,

my writing is not calculated.

It is messy, 

and it is often unlovely.

But to be an artist, 

is to 

Be willing

      To be open

To the thought of new. 

To the thought of honesty. 

To not being perfect. 

To just being. 

And feeling, 

The hurts of a human - 



These bright leaves sprinkle

sidewalks with chaos, weather

you like it or not. 

{RM} - My first time with dVerse Poets. I am very happy to be a part of Haibun Monday! And I am so, very thankful to my mom, Pat Spreng, who suggested that I join this wonderful community of poets.

"Why do you write the style of poetry you write. Not why you write poetry, but the why of your style. We all have a style that we write or a subject we seem to write about more consistently than others. Then, give me a classic haiku to end it."

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