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By Myself, But Not Alone

By myself, but not alone.

For I feel the blood that

courses through my veins

And I hear my heart

beat powerfully in

this temple of a body.

By myself, but not alone.

For there are heart songs

to be sung

Ancient places to be explored,

Papers that need creativity

to be brushed across its 

smooth, white surface.

For there are operas to be heard

and orchestras to be listened to

There are unfamiliar sidewalks 

to be strutted,

and poems to be written.

and silence to be enjoyed.

By myself, but not alone.

For my identity is not dependent 

on my home,

or the people that surround me.

or the places I go.

So just because I am

by myself, I am not alone.

I am, my own. 

{RM} a girl in a new city

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